Music and sport as bridges for integration into parish life


In Switzerland, as elsewhere in Europe, churches with their orderly and organized parish life, are not the places that young people frequent on a regular basis.

In Menzingen, a small town not far from our house in Steinhausen, Fr. Albert Nampara, the parish priest, has found a way to attract young people to the church.

Originally from Indonesia, Fr. Albert is a talented saxophone player and a skillful badminton player. He uses the music and the sport to reach out to the young people and their families. The parish has a brass band that plays in the Church’s activities and in the old folks’ home to entertain the elderly.

The youngsters participate actively in these celebrations and their families have become closer to the Church. Maybe some of them come only because of the music or the badminton. Who knows? But definitely music and sport can also be bridges to reach out to the people and to bring them closer to God.